Sunday, September 10, 2023

Darksnovia you are making a big mistake!

Everyone attempting to maintain the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence has become frustrated. Panther C.O.D.E has a romantic view of Marcus Garvey. 

I am not part of Panther C.O.D.E but I am in constant contact with many of them on a regular basis. 

By clicking on this link you can realize the problems which Panther C.O.D.E has had to deal with: 

While many of the members of Panther C.O.D.E are also members of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, the members of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party who are also part of Panther C.O.D.E hid this from the greater membership of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party. This allowed Panther C.O.D.E to gather many members without being noticed. Many of the Blogs and Websites made in the name of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party slander the Maoist Internationalist Movement, the Leading Light Communist Organization and Jason Unruhe. Something Panther C.O.D.E has been against from the start. The above link explains the dichotomy. The MRN Network which ran from 2021 to 2023 was trying to represent the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence but the sabotage done to Maoist Rebel News was great. A lone individual set Darksnovia off, this individual is Black Minister 13 and he is speaking only for himself. Don't confuse facts here, Black Minister 13 is important, he is Panther C.O.D.E's Minister of Jewish Affairs. But he is also dying of cancer and he has been acting out of pure emotion. From the outside looking in, the failings of the Maoist Rebel News appear to many to be the failings of Kara Stokely the one once called the Lumpen ThirdWorldist. While I would agree that Kara Stokely was given too high of a prominent position, this was because the Network needed disciple and Kara did her best to provide that. This is the Post which set off Darksnovia: This is a emotionalist article post and I denounce it.   

The failings of the Maoist Rebel News Network are actually the failings of Jason Unruhe. Many don't want to say this because Jason Unruhe has been so unfairly attacked over the years that almost none of us want to criticize him. But the MRN Network fell apart because Jason Unruhe relied on Comrade Net's ability to organize. Comrade Net is too hard on himself, Comrade Net thinks that this is his fault. He gives himself too much credit in this way. No matter what Comrade Net did it would not have saved MRN. Jason Unruhe built the Maoist Rebel News for Luke Dublin. The Engelsist is the successor of the Maoist Rebel. But it should revealed that Luke Dublin was constantly being expected to preform miracles. If ever there is a News Media Network calling itself Maoist Rebel News, it will be because Luke Dublin decides that this is to be the case. Comrade Net was the first to publicly leave Maoist Rebel News but he was just the first one to do so publicly, the first to leave was Maxwell Glover. I suspect that the reason for this was Kara Stokely. But this does not mean that Darksnovia should have taken to public all the grievances many in the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence allegedly have. But he can not undo it, it is done. What he needs to do is apologize and admit that he and Kara need to publicly argue for everyone to see. This would only be fair if this was done on Kara Stokely's Channel not Jordan Mccollough's Channel. Many people think that Kara Stokely does not take responsibility for anything. I know many Black Trans Women who take offense to Kara Stokely. But this is all from the outside looking in, therefore not objective reality. Kara Stokely does tend to offend people but so does Jason Unruhe and Jordan Mccollough. I am just one man. I am a Black Transgender Man rescued by the Homeless more times than I can count. I too am frustrated that Kara does not seem to really understand what Third Worldism actually is. I too am frustrated that Kara seems to act like she knows more than she actually does. But the truth is no one within MRN is better at reciprocity than Kara Stokely. Kara Stokely has also admitted to past mistakes publicly on more than one occasion especially in regards to what she once said on someone else's program about Black Red Guard. Darksnovia needs to fix this. The failings of the Maoist Rebel News are not the failings of Kara Stokely or even Comrade Net. The failings of the Maoist Rebel News Network are the failings of Jason Unruhe. I love Jason Unruhe. No one has battled the slander against Jason Unruhe both online and in real life than ME. So it should be transparently obvious that I am not attacking Jason Unruhe. 

Marcus Garvey (1991). “The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers”, p.642, Univ of California Press

"We were the first Fascists, when we had 100,000 disciplined men, and were training children, Mussolini was still an unknown. Mussolini copied our Fascism." - Marcus Garvey

The members of Panther C.O.D.E tend to ignore this quote. Marcus Garvey is important for both Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism. Because of this, many of us, a great many of us, tend to ignore some of the more problematic statements made by Marcus Garvey. Does this mean that Marcus Garvey was a Fascist? Well not exactly. The jury is still divided on this very subject but a great many Black Communists tend to agree that Marcus Garvey was a Fascist. There are of course many Black Communists who disagree with the idea that Marcus Garvey was a Fascist. This argument has never been fully settled but the fact is that Marcus Garvey did proclaim himself to be Fascist. 

To Darksovia! Justice for Kelley Seven! Solidarity and Criticism!

Kelley Seven also known as They Are Watching Me, was a 19 year old Trans Woman who was Homeless. She was a member of the Arizona Rebellion. In 2020 she committed suicide. This was an event which shook up many people. Many of the Homeless Anarchists are Transgenger Teenagers who are enemies of the Human Trafficking Ring known most commonly as Midnight Productions. Kelley Seven was a survivor of Midnight Productions. She was forced into prostitution at a very early age. This is no rarity. This problem is systemic to Arizona and even a great deal of the Southwest of the USA, even beyond that. This is a big issue of Capitalism it self. Kelley Seven tuned into Ewoks Unhinged very often. Ewoks Unhinged attracted many people. Ewoks Unhinged was a uniting force during Covid-19 and the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. Ewoks Unhinged was BASED!

Darksnovia is correct that MRN made promises that they must keep. I wish that Darksnovia had been more open with DaStoned Soviet from the start about how much he cared about what Ewoks Unhinged was to so many of us. I wish he had told her how close he has always been to the Anarchists in Arizona. I criticize Darksnovia for this. You could have been more authoritative about things from the start. Jordan I am telling you Man to Man for the entire world to see! Why could you not have been more true to yourself and true to the fact that your place in the Convergence was as early as 2020? Your lack of self esteem disgusts me! Kara Stokely clearly did not understand any of this. I know that more than one person within the Convergence wanted you to publicly criticize her but given the fact that I am a Third Worldist and I am someone who was very early in the workings of this Convergence, you should have waited to hear from me. How many times did I show up in the chats of Ewoks Unhinged, Dankey Kang and Fellow Traveler? I showed up all the time MAN!!! You need to hang around more Black People! I know you know some Black People. But you need to meet a lot more of us. All White Lumpenproletarians need to hang out with Black People! You are in California the place where the Convergence Conventions are taking place. I can only imagine how much this is embarrassing Dr. Weizfeld. Seriously! Be A Man! Fix this! You are Darksnovia! Darksnovia makes the World bow to him by trolling them with ironic wisdoms which can not be forgotten due to the brilliance of it. I expect better from you! A Man does not disgrace a Woman. In your attempts to not disgrace a Woman, you did disgrace a Woman. A real Man does not do that! May The Force Be With You! This Is The Way!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

I stand in solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld of the Bundist Movement

This situation has me and other Third Worldists extremely worried. Despite a few misgivings, Dr. Weizfeld has been the greatest supporter of Third Worldism. Comrade Weizfeld and the Third Worldists both reject the Party-State. I don't want to see Dr. Weizfeld arrested. All that Dr. Weizfeld did was write "& A Free Palestine" on a Zionist Celebration Poster. A very non-radical form of protest. Canada and Quebec cerebrate Settler Colonialism. This is nothing new because both Canada and Quebec are Settler Colonialist Lands. Dr. Weizfeld has shown empathy for the Quebec Culture but the Quebec Culture refuses to take a stand for Dr. Weizfeld. This is because Dr. Weizfeld supports First Nations over that of Quebec. This is because Dr. Weizfeld is opposed to Settler Colonialism. This is because Dr. Weizfeld is a Bundist. This is because Dr. Weizfeld is for Palestinians not the Zionist Project. This is because Dr. Weizfeld supports Blackness yet rejects Whiteness. This is because Dr. Weizfeld's Jewishness is Red. Dr. Weizfeld comes from the legacy of Jewish Partisans in the Warsaw Uprising, which was majority Bundist. It is well known that the other Jewish Partisans in the Warsaw Uprising were Marxists and Anarchists. Very few Zionists had been part of the Jewish Partisans in the Warsaw Uprising. The reasons for the political persecutions against Dr. Weizfeld could not be more obvious. 

The Hate Crimes division of the Montréal police charged abraham Weizfeld Phd, the Chairman of the Bundist Movement, with criminal mischief, which is subject to a penalty of two years imprisonment. While the police did not make a hate crime charge, it was the intention of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs to have made the initial accusation to the Hate Crimes Division June 21, 2023. The accusor's name was changed to the Combined Jewish Appeal since the CIJA is a political Zionist party and it wanted to make the charge appear as if it is coming from the Jewish community organization, the Combined Jewish Appeal. The first hearing took place on August 21, 2023. The possibility for imprisonment of two years was dropped. But if Dr. Weizfeld shows up at the Jewish Community Center in Quebec he will face jail time. This is bogus. Why are very few willing to stand up in solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld? 

I just came back from California where the Convergence Conventions are taking place and everyone involved has begun to panic. As for myself, I don't know what else to say except that this is wrong.

Why must Dr. Weizfeld go to jail for being with his own People? 

I think this is because he is a Bundist. I also think this is because of his support for Third Worldism. 

I stand in solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld of the Bundist Movement and you should too!

Friday, October 8, 2021

Kwame Ture was the first progenitor to Maoism-Third Worldism

Kwame Ture was born Stokely Standiford Churchill Carmichael on the date of June 29, 1941 and he died on the date of November 15, 1998.

In the same way that the Marxist-Leninist tendency known as Mao Zedong Thought was the first progenitor to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Kwame Ture was the first progenitor to Maoism-Third Worldism.

Kwame Ture also knew Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi and abraham Weizfeld PhD both. This is why people fear the connection which Maoism-Third Worldism has with Demarchism, because they fear what this means for the Post-Christian First World along with the Westernized Neocolonial Asian States of the First World. Shubel Morgan was a Man of color who was disciplined in the teaching of Dennis Banks and many other old-guard  members of the American Indian Movement. Synthesizing the A.I.M. Ideology with Antonio Gramsci he made a theory of dialectics justifying religious revolution and the lumpenprolitariat. Shubel Morgan was connected to the Maoist Internationalist Movement which was the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organization based in the United States of America.

At some point a disagreement arouse within the Maoist Internationalist Movement. This disagreement came from the fact that there was division over the relevance of Manuel Rubén Abimael Guzmán Reynoso. Those who stood with the notion of redeeming Abimael Guzmán to the rest of the already decaying Revolutionary Internationalist Movement are without question is were Gonzaloism came from. Those who disagreed with redeeming Abimael Guzmán to the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement became Maoists of the Third Worldist tendency. Shubel Morgan was one of the main disturbances causing this first GREAT SCHISM within the Maoist Internationalist Movement but he was not the only one. There would also be several splits which would occur within the Maoists of the Third Worldist tendency. Those truly dedicated to the Third Worldist tendency would hold many disagreements with each other. Shubel Morgan synthesized all the competing theories of the Third Worldist tendency by using his notes based upon his role model Kwame Ture. Shubel Morgan declared Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Third Worldism as the new fourth stage. All those who agreed ending up join the Leading Light Communist Organization. So there was a split between those who saw Third Worldism as a clarification of Maoism and those who saw Third Worldism as an entirely new stage of Marxism. It was Commander Prairie Fire who would cover up the real legacy of Shubel Morgan and his Kwame Ture inspired theories of Third Worldism. Third Worldists have been in a large battle of information trying to explain these facts to the public. Today all that is left of the Maoist Internationalist Movement is the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons, they are Marxist-Leninist-Maoists of the Third Worldist tendency. 

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Third Worldism is the highest state of Marxism.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Global Class War

The true Soul of the oldschool Leading Light Communist Organization was not actually Commander Prairie Fire. Although no one can deny that Commander Prairie Fire was essential in theorizing Third Worldism he nevertheless got way too much credit. Personally as someone who actually knew Commander Prairie Fire, I wish to assure people that there was a time when he was bright and full of solidarity. But prison will make a bitch out of any Middle Class fair-skinned person no matter how much of a Class Traitor they claim to be. The true soul of the Leading Light Communist Organization was and still is Rizal Roja. Rizal Roja left the LLCO for reasons that I will not get into. Even now he is still the true soul of the LLCO. I would like to share with you something from Rizal Roja that he wrote years ago.

Rizal Roja

We live today in a globalized world, with a global economy and a global political order. Globalized Capitalism, with a globalized ruling class. A bourgeois capitalist in New York City is equally as invested in New York, as he is in London, and Moscow, New Delhi and Yamoussoukro. The drama between the two primary imperial blocs – that centered in Washington DC, and the Beijing/Moscow bloc is based not an ideology, or any kind of opposition to capitalism-imperialism as the global order, but instead on a desire for the new, and upcoming Imperial powers to have a “fairer” slice of the “global pie”. While the two sides may bicker, engage in proxy wars and skirmishes, neither has an interest in the abolition of Capitalism-Imperialism, Neo-Colonialism or the exploitation of man by man. Both sides are ultimately committed to the preservation of the current global world order, and the continuity of Capitalism-Imperialism – albeit in a way tilted more in their own favour. The situation between the two is akin to two siblings arguing over who gets a larger cut of meat.

As the ruling class has become globalized, along with the prevailing world system, so too has the revolutionary subject. The days of Nationalist centered struggle, as existed in the waves of 20th-century social revolution are well over.  Communists must no longer think of the world as divided between countries, nations, ethnicities, races, etc – as this form of analysis is no longer scientific useful, but instead as divided between territories in a continuous Empires. The primary Imperial Power, or “Empire” in the world today is not composed of a single country. Although the United States serves as the vanguard of this Empire, it is not composed of the United States alone, or any singular country, but instead is composed of a multitude of countries, regions and territories which form a single political entity,  We cannot think of the world as traditionally divided between “Rich countries” vs “Poor countries” or “Exploiter nations” vs “Exploited nations”, but as geographic regions and populations in which the revolutionary subject (or “Global Proletariat”) is the majority; the peripheral territories, versus those in which the revolutionary subject is the minority (In other words, those dominated temporarily by the “Global Bourgeoisie”) aka the “core” territories of the Empire. This Empire can be called the “American Empire”, the “Rainbow Empire” (as per its “Rainbow” or “Pink Imperialist” social policy) or the “Atlantic Empire”, as its ruling class is primarily located in North America and Western-Europe.

Even within the richest countries of the world, there are territories and populations – segments primarily composed of the global proletariat. In the United States, these are for instance the Appalachian region and the Deep South, the Indigenous reservations, the Urban Homeless and severe poverty-stricken, and the primarily Black/Latino occupied “Hood” or “Ghetto”, all of which are primarily proletarian. In Australia, the revolutionary subject is primarily composed of the Indigenous population, refugees/migrants, urban homeless, and poor rural whites. Simultaneously, in the poorest countries of the world, there are pockets of the “Global Bourgeoisie”. Eg, the gated communities, situated next to the mega-slums, walled off and occupied by the comprador bourgeois elites, along with a massive portion of the petty bourgeoisie, bourgeois intellectuals and academics, police, and the criminal bourgeoisie (aka “Lumpen Bourgeoisie”). The existence of primarily bourgeois territories and populations is enabled by our global system of Capitalism-Imperialism, and the massive transfer of wealth from the proletarian regions of the world into the currently bought off bourgeois regions of the world. As of the 21st century, conditions are getting worse and will continue to on a global level. The proletarian regions and the bourgeois regions alike are deteriorating. As the global proletariat suffers, the bourgeois regions are undergoing gradual re-proletarianization as the global capitalist-imperialist system continues to degenerate. The liberation of large territories and populations of the global proletariat will accelerate this process, bringing closer the possibility of real proletarian revolution on a global scale. 

In the territories in which the “Global Proletariat” constitutes the majority – the poorest regions of the world, the revolutionary organization will take a traditional mass-oriented character, via the creation of a mass organization, and dual power, or “Red Power” institutions of the masses. Eventually, these institutions will pave the way for Red Base areas – Physical, liberated territories of a proletarian state in miniature. The mass organization today will pave the way for more advanced struggle tomorrow. These red base areas will defy national, state, colonial, religious and language borders, with the goal of eventually building a pan-national, pan-ethnic, proletarian superstate. These areas are the “front lines” of the global class struggle. In the territories which are occupied by the global Bourgeoisie – the wealthiest regions of the world, organization must take a “Leaner and meaner” approach. Although revolutionary organizing on mass is currently unfeasible, this does not mean that organization of an important form cannot take place. The necessary infrastructure to support future revolutionary struggle should be constructed here, along with the infrastructure to support militant struggle in the “front lines” of the global class struggle.

Comrades in the bourgeois of the regions of the world can and must play an important role in the global struggle. Class struggle in the 21st century must not be limited to bourgeois borders or countries. There is no time for armchairism or do-nothingism. If comrades are ILLEGALLY harmed on the front lines of the struggle in South Asia, a comrade in Germany can take action against the agents of South Asia bourgeois state in his own locality. There are a variety of activities comrades in the wealthiest parts of the world can engage in to aid the struggle on the global front lines, alongside organizing revolutionary infrastructure locally. Eg, Comrades in North America can mass produce media and propaganda to be disseminated by comrades on the ground in Africa, or via social media pages/groups on the internet directly to the necessary audience. Comrades in Australia or New Zealand can fundraise, and set up legal front groups – religious, secular, businesses, etc. Comrades in the west can also engage in more physical militant struggle – LEGAL activities which harm the political and economic power of the bourgeois state in question. Fundraising, on the ground activism, public support building, civil disobedience, LEGAL hacking, discreet social media agitation, etc. If a comrade on the front lines of the struggle in the global south is harmed by their bourgeois state, comrades in the first world can leave strongly worded letters of complaint on the cars belonging to ambassadors and diplomats, overseas politicians and businessmen of said bourgeois states in protest.

Until we have achieved global communism, we are fighting a war. The biggest, most elongated war in the history of humanity. Every corner on the earth is a part of the global battlefield of class struggle. There are no national struggles. No ethnic struggles. No “exploiter nations” and “exploited nations” Only those territories occupied by Capitalism-Imperialism, and those liberated from it. Territories in which the revolutionary subject is the majority, and those in which it is not. All is temporary. While the revolutionary strategy of the Chinese revolution is generally correct, massive adaptations must be made. The world has changed radically since the 20th century. Air power and communications technology change everything. In 2014, 800 soldiers of the reactionary death-cult Daesh overran the city of Mosul, occupied by 60’000 Iraqi police and soldiers. The world has changed. The revolutionary movement must be elastic. We cannot fixate or rely on singular leaders or leadership. Every revolutionary leader, from the mid levels of the struggle up, must make themselves entirely replaceable. If 90% of the revolutionary leadership is wiped out, the struggle must continue just as effectively under a new leadership. If in one region the struggle is repressed, we must be able to transfer to a new region and start again, over and over again if necessary. We must not allow ourselves to be contained to bourgeois, colonial or Neo-Colonial borders. The revolutionary movement must be fluid and dynamic – ever-changing, ever-shifting, able to reconstitute itself at any place. Our struggle today must be without borders. Without singular leaders or cults. We must use any and all tools available at our disposal. The continuation of Capitalism necessarily means the extinction of humanity. The stakes are that high. We are fighting a global struggle. Global Class Struggle. A Global People’s War for the existence life itself. Reactionary and anti-imperialist groups throughout the world have grasped the changing nature of our world, and have adapted. So too must we Communists. Communism MUST, and WILL Win.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Blog that has the potential to destroy us all

I am going to start my very first blog post with a true story.  

Once upon a time there was a Marxist-Leninist YouTuber going by the name of Dankey Kang. Dankey Kang was bold. He challenged the reactionary fake Anarchist Media Bloc called BreadTube. Then out of nowhere a YouTube Channel calling it self Fat Controller decided to slander Dankey. This slander was so bad that the crypto fascists and the ancaps ignored it. The crypto fascists and the ancaps ignored Fat Controller because nothing he said about Dankey Kang could be taken seriously for the use of right wing propaganda. Here is a link to a ridiculous blog post that pretends to be Dankey Kang

You can see that the blog claims to be sensitive and gives you the option to proceed. This blog is very bad, it is so bad all you can do is ask if this is satire. This was for a short temporary time put to a stop when Jason Unruhe made a Video of Solidarity to Dankey Kang asking others to support Dankey Kang. But now we know that Jason Unruhe was the main target all along. Because shortly after Jason Unruhe rose up in defense of Dankey Kang, Fat Controller made several very bad videos attacking Jason Unruhe consistently without stopping. I decided to report these videos with the help of several friends, I did this using my second YouTube Account. I was locked out of my first YouTube Account for calling Zoe Anarchopac out on all of her lies. My second YouTube Account was deleted by YouTube as I went after Fat Controller.

Fat Controller made a new YouTube Account and a new blog with seven very bad posts. This blog was called Maoist Rebel Conspiracy, the very first blog post on this blog is also called Maoist Rebel Conspiracy. This is a link to that blog with the help of very good friends I was able to get the seventh blog post removed as it contained openly racist and antisemitic statements. I suspect many others reported it for the same reason.

Then it was discovered that a reupoad blog was made all blog posts except for the seventh one have been reuploaded.

The Maoist Rebel Conspiracy blog is interesting because it plagiarizes Comrade Net a lot but then twists the subjects into a pro zionist and pro fascist narrative. This has led several people to make a wrenching accusation. These accusations have come from so-called leftists, which I strongly believe to have been the intention of Fat Controller now revealed to be the same person as Vladimir Petrovoskji. The crux of these accusations is that this blog this blog this blog and this blog are all being made by the same author, this is a lie. If you read through this entire blog it is obvious this entire blog is a collaboration effort. As for this blog and this blog there is actually a mutual agreement to use the same exact sentence structure and phrasing. When I was in California for seven months, I helped to edit this blog there are three YouTube Channels called Maoist-Third Worldist Movement but each of these three YouTube Channels have been run by separate individuals. The first YouTube Channel that went by this name was run by me personally, some time after I did all that I felt was necessary for that Channel I retired from running it, it is now an archive Channel. I can not recall how long the second Channel going by the name Maoist-Third Worldist Movement was active but I do recall that as it was not active or at least not as active as before that I made a Channel in my own name, I decided to call it M3W Justice. Everyone seems to overlook why these blogs including the Anarchist one was even started at all, these blogs were started to combat lies that are used against us all and because after the dates of May 27, 2019 and May 30, 2019 and June 8, 2019 woke us up. We all came to realize that we needed to act on need for us to put our propaganda out there and work in Solidarity. I am going to focus this blog on the subjects of Maoism-Third Worldism and the details concerning Arizona.

Darksnovia you are making a big mistake!

Everyone attempting to maintain the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence has become frustrated. Panther C.O.D.E has a romantic...