Sunday, September 10, 2023

Darksnovia you are making a big mistake!

Everyone attempting to maintain the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence has become frustrated. Panther C.O.D.E has a romantic view of Marcus Garvey. 

I am not part of Panther C.O.D.E but I am in constant contact with many of them on a regular basis. 

By clicking on this link you can realize the problems which Panther C.O.D.E has had to deal with: 

While many of the members of Panther C.O.D.E are also members of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, the members of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party who are also part of Panther C.O.D.E hid this from the greater membership of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party. This allowed Panther C.O.D.E to gather many members without being noticed. Many of the Blogs and Websites made in the name of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party slander the Maoist Internationalist Movement, the Leading Light Communist Organization and Jason Unruhe. Something Panther C.O.D.E has been against from the start. The above link explains the dichotomy. The MRN Network which ran from 2021 to 2023 was trying to represent the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence but the sabotage done to Maoist Rebel News was great. A lone individual set Darksnovia off, this individual is Black Minister 13 and he is speaking only for himself. Don't confuse facts here, Black Minister 13 is important, he is Panther C.O.D.E's Minister of Jewish Affairs. But he is also dying of cancer and he has been acting out of pure emotion. From the outside looking in, the failings of the Maoist Rebel News appear to many to be the failings of Kara Stokely the one once called the Lumpen ThirdWorldist. While I would agree that Kara Stokely was given too high of a prominent position, this was because the Network needed disciple and Kara did her best to provide that. This is the Post which set off Darksnovia: This is a emotionalist article post and I denounce it.   

The failings of the Maoist Rebel News Network are actually the failings of Jason Unruhe. Many don't want to say this because Jason Unruhe has been so unfairly attacked over the years that almost none of us want to criticize him. But the MRN Network fell apart because Jason Unruhe relied on Comrade Net's ability to organize. Comrade Net is too hard on himself, Comrade Net thinks that this is his fault. He gives himself too much credit in this way. No matter what Comrade Net did it would not have saved MRN. Jason Unruhe built the Maoist Rebel News for Luke Dublin. The Engelsist is the successor of the Maoist Rebel. But it should revealed that Luke Dublin was constantly being expected to preform miracles. If ever there is a News Media Network calling itself Maoist Rebel News, it will be because Luke Dublin decides that this is to be the case. Comrade Net was the first to publicly leave Maoist Rebel News but he was just the first one to do so publicly, the first to leave was Maxwell Glover. I suspect that the reason for this was Kara Stokely. But this does not mean that Darksnovia should have taken to public all the grievances many in the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence allegedly have. But he can not undo it, it is done. What he needs to do is apologize and admit that he and Kara need to publicly argue for everyone to see. This would only be fair if this was done on Kara Stokely's Channel not Jordan Mccollough's Channel. Many people think that Kara Stokely does not take responsibility for anything. I know many Black Trans Women who take offense to Kara Stokely. But this is all from the outside looking in, therefore not objective reality. Kara Stokely does tend to offend people but so does Jason Unruhe and Jordan Mccollough. I am just one man. I am a Black Transgender Man rescued by the Homeless more times than I can count. I too am frustrated that Kara does not seem to really understand what Third Worldism actually is. I too am frustrated that Kara seems to act like she knows more than she actually does. But the truth is no one within MRN is better at reciprocity than Kara Stokely. Kara Stokely has also admitted to past mistakes publicly on more than one occasion especially in regards to what she once said on someone else's program about Black Red Guard. Darksnovia needs to fix this. The failings of the Maoist Rebel News are not the failings of Kara Stokely or even Comrade Net. The failings of the Maoist Rebel News Network are the failings of Jason Unruhe. I love Jason Unruhe. No one has battled the slander against Jason Unruhe both online and in real life than ME. So it should be transparently obvious that I am not attacking Jason Unruhe. 

Marcus Garvey (1991). “The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers”, p.642, Univ of California Press

"We were the first Fascists, when we had 100,000 disciplined men, and were training children, Mussolini was still an unknown. Mussolini copied our Fascism." - Marcus Garvey

The members of Panther C.O.D.E tend to ignore this quote. Marcus Garvey is important for both Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism. Because of this, many of us, a great many of us, tend to ignore some of the more problematic statements made by Marcus Garvey. Does this mean that Marcus Garvey was a Fascist? Well not exactly. The jury is still divided on this very subject but a great many Black Communists tend to agree that Marcus Garvey was a Fascist. There are of course many Black Communists who disagree with the idea that Marcus Garvey was a Fascist. This argument has never been fully settled but the fact is that Marcus Garvey did proclaim himself to be Fascist. 

To Darksovia! Justice for Kelley Seven! Solidarity and Criticism!

Kelley Seven also known as They Are Watching Me, was a 19 year old Trans Woman who was Homeless. She was a member of the Arizona Rebellion. In 2020 she committed suicide. This was an event which shook up many people. Many of the Homeless Anarchists are Transgenger Teenagers who are enemies of the Human Trafficking Ring known most commonly as Midnight Productions. Kelley Seven was a survivor of Midnight Productions. She was forced into prostitution at a very early age. This is no rarity. This problem is systemic to Arizona and even a great deal of the Southwest of the USA, even beyond that. This is a big issue of Capitalism it self. Kelley Seven tuned into Ewoks Unhinged very often. Ewoks Unhinged attracted many people. Ewoks Unhinged was a uniting force during Covid-19 and the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. Ewoks Unhinged was BASED!

Darksnovia is correct that MRN made promises that they must keep. I wish that Darksnovia had been more open with DaStoned Soviet from the start about how much he cared about what Ewoks Unhinged was to so many of us. I wish he had told her how close he has always been to the Anarchists in Arizona. I criticize Darksnovia for this. You could have been more authoritative about things from the start. Jordan I am telling you Man to Man for the entire world to see! Why could you not have been more true to yourself and true to the fact that your place in the Convergence was as early as 2020? Your lack of self esteem disgusts me! Kara Stokely clearly did not understand any of this. I know that more than one person within the Convergence wanted you to publicly criticize her but given the fact that I am a Third Worldist and I am someone who was very early in the workings of this Convergence, you should have waited to hear from me. How many times did I show up in the chats of Ewoks Unhinged, Dankey Kang and Fellow Traveler? I showed up all the time MAN!!! You need to hang around more Black People! I know you know some Black People. But you need to meet a lot more of us. All White Lumpenproletarians need to hang out with Black People! You are in California the place where the Convergence Conventions are taking place. I can only imagine how much this is embarrassing Dr. Weizfeld. Seriously! Be A Man! Fix this! You are Darksnovia! Darksnovia makes the World bow to him by trolling them with ironic wisdoms which can not be forgotten due to the brilliance of it. I expect better from you! A Man does not disgrace a Woman. In your attempts to not disgrace a Woman, you did disgrace a Woman. A real Man does not do that! May The Force Be With You! This Is The Way!

1 comment:

  1. The phrase here that, '' The MRN Network which ran from 2021 to 2023 was trying to represent the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence '' is out of order, since the Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence has its own platforms and council mechanism chaired by Dr abrahim Weizfeld Phd on a consensual basis. The MRN is a constituent of the Convergence. Individual members of Maoist Rebel News may or may not be members of the Convergence.


Darksnovia you are making a big mistake!

Everyone attempting to maintain the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence has become frustrated. Panther C.O.D.E has a romantic...