Wednesday, September 6, 2023

I stand in solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld of the Bundist Movement

This situation has me and other Third Worldists extremely worried. Despite a few misgivings, Dr. Weizfeld has been the greatest supporter of Third Worldism. Comrade Weizfeld and the Third Worldists both reject the Party-State. I don't want to see Dr. Weizfeld arrested. All that Dr. Weizfeld did was write "& A Free Palestine" on a Zionist Celebration Poster. A very non-radical form of protest. Canada and Quebec cerebrate Settler Colonialism. This is nothing new because both Canada and Quebec are Settler Colonialist Lands. Dr. Weizfeld has shown empathy for the Quebec Culture but the Quebec Culture refuses to take a stand for Dr. Weizfeld. This is because Dr. Weizfeld supports First Nations over that of Quebec. This is because Dr. Weizfeld is opposed to Settler Colonialism. This is because Dr. Weizfeld is a Bundist. This is because Dr. Weizfeld is for Palestinians not the Zionist Project. This is because Dr. Weizfeld supports Blackness yet rejects Whiteness. This is because Dr. Weizfeld's Jewishness is Red. Dr. Weizfeld comes from the legacy of Jewish Partisans in the Warsaw Uprising, which was majority Bundist. It is well known that the other Jewish Partisans in the Warsaw Uprising were Marxists and Anarchists. Very few Zionists had been part of the Jewish Partisans in the Warsaw Uprising. The reasons for the political persecutions against Dr. Weizfeld could not be more obvious. 

The Hate Crimes division of the MontrĂ©al police charged abraham Weizfeld Phd, the Chairman of the Bundist Movement, with criminal mischief, which is subject to a penalty of two years imprisonment. While the police did not make a hate crime charge, it was the intention of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs to have made the initial accusation to the Hate Crimes Division June 21, 2023. The accusor's name was changed to the Combined Jewish Appeal since the CIJA is a political Zionist party and it wanted to make the charge appear as if it is coming from the Jewish community organization, the Combined Jewish Appeal. The first hearing took place on August 21, 2023. The possibility for imprisonment of two years was dropped. But if Dr. Weizfeld shows up at the Jewish Community Center in Quebec he will face jail time. This is bogus. Why are very few willing to stand up in solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld? 

I just came back from California where the Convergence Conventions are taking place and everyone involved has begun to panic. As for myself, I don't know what else to say except that this is wrong.

Why must Dr. Weizfeld go to jail for being with his own People? 

I think this is because he is a Bundist. I also think this is because of his support for Third Worldism. 

I stand in solidarity with Dr. Weizfeld of the Bundist Movement and you should too!

1 comment:

  1. BTW .. got the legal demand submitted to a judge to have a hearing for my motion to lift the ban on going to the Jewish Community Centre. It will be the morning of the Holocaust Museum Assembly that I intend to go to, on the 12th next week Tuesday.


Darksnovia you are making a big mistake!

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