Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Blog that has the potential to destroy us all

I am going to start my very first blog post with a true story.  

Once upon a time there was a Marxist-Leninist YouTuber going by the name of Dankey Kang. Dankey Kang was bold. He challenged the reactionary fake Anarchist Media Bloc called BreadTube. Then out of nowhere a YouTube Channel calling it self Fat Controller decided to slander Dankey. This slander was so bad that the crypto fascists and the ancaps ignored it. The crypto fascists and the ancaps ignored Fat Controller because nothing he said about Dankey Kang could be taken seriously for the use of right wing propaganda. Here is a link to a ridiculous blog post that pretends to be Dankey Kang

You can see that the blog claims to be sensitive and gives you the option to proceed. This blog is very bad, it is so bad all you can do is ask if this is satire. This was for a short temporary time put to a stop when Jason Unruhe made a Video of Solidarity to Dankey Kang asking others to support Dankey Kang. But now we know that Jason Unruhe was the main target all along. Because shortly after Jason Unruhe rose up in defense of Dankey Kang, Fat Controller made several very bad videos attacking Jason Unruhe consistently without stopping. I decided to report these videos with the help of several friends, I did this using my second YouTube Account. I was locked out of my first YouTube Account for calling Zoe Anarchopac out on all of her lies. My second YouTube Account was deleted by YouTube as I went after Fat Controller.

Fat Controller made a new YouTube Account and a new blog with seven very bad posts. This blog was called Maoist Rebel Conspiracy, the very first blog post on this blog is also called Maoist Rebel Conspiracy. This is a link to that blog with the help of very good friends I was able to get the seventh blog post removed as it contained openly racist and antisemitic statements. I suspect many others reported it for the same reason.

Then it was discovered that a reupoad blog was made all blog posts except for the seventh one have been reuploaded.

The Maoist Rebel Conspiracy blog is interesting because it plagiarizes Comrade Net a lot but then twists the subjects into a pro zionist and pro fascist narrative. This has led several people to make a wrenching accusation. These accusations have come from so-called leftists, which I strongly believe to have been the intention of Fat Controller now revealed to be the same person as Vladimir Petrovoskji. The crux of these accusations is that this blog this blog this blog and this blog are all being made by the same author, this is a lie. If you read through this entire blog it is obvious this entire blog is a collaboration effort. As for this blog and this blog there is actually a mutual agreement to use the same exact sentence structure and phrasing. When I was in California for seven months, I helped to edit this blog there are three YouTube Channels called Maoist-Third Worldist Movement but each of these three YouTube Channels have been run by separate individuals. The first YouTube Channel that went by this name was run by me personally, some time after I did all that I felt was necessary for that Channel I retired from running it, it is now an archive Channel. I can not recall how long the second Channel going by the name Maoist-Third Worldist Movement was active but I do recall that as it was not active or at least not as active as before that I made a Channel in my own name, I decided to call it M3W Justice. Everyone seems to overlook why these blogs including the Anarchist one was even started at all, these blogs were started to combat lies that are used against us all and because after the dates of May 27, 2019 and May 30, 2019 and June 8, 2019 woke us up. We all came to realize that we needed to act on need for us to put our propaganda out there and work in Solidarity. I am going to focus this blog on the subjects of Maoism-Third Worldism and the details concerning Arizona.

Darksnovia you are making a big mistake!

Everyone attempting to maintain the United Inter-National Intercommunalist Convergence has become frustrated. Panther C.O.D.E has a romantic...